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NAB 2024 Show Review & the Future of Streaming

NAB 2024 Show Review & the Future of Streaming 活跃的NAB再次强调,媒体和娱乐的进步没有放缓的迹象, with AI and cloud integration, tech innovation and personalization taking center stage.

Toronto, Canada(30 Apr 2024)

活跃的NAB再次强调,媒体和娱乐的进步没有放缓的迹象, with AI and cloud integration, tech innovation and personalization taking center stage.

The AI Age
鉴于人工智能在媒体和内容创作方面的巨大潜力, it is no surprise that AI dominated at this year’s NAB. It was everywhere. Along with a healthy air of scepticism and pragmatism from crowds.

Pixelscope Co., 公司展示了其基于AI的广播体育解决方案,以及AOTO基于Cuebric的跨模态生成AI的AI+视觉产品, 展示了该技术如何彻底改变虚拟生产的效率, reduce production costs, and make AI+XR virtual production more widespread.

While Cioni and AI tools developers like Pinar Seyhan Demirdag, Co-Founder and CEO of Cuebric, 对人工智能将取代人类合作创造电影艺术的观点退缩了, Cinematographer Roberto Schaefer (Quantum of Solace)在他的大师课上注意谨慎,警告说我们最终会失去控制.

Despite impressive capabilities, 最近几周,人工智能在娱乐领域的应用引发了一些争议. 网飞公司因涉嫌在真实犯罪纪录片中使用篡改图像而受到抨击 What Jennifer Did, and promotional posters for A24’s new film Civil War 是否引发了人们对越来越多地在屏幕上使用人工智能的担忧. 在新一季的《百家乐app下载》中,人工智能制作的乐队海报也在社交媒体上引发了一场小爆发 True Detective, 一些观众对独立恐怖电影中类似的人工智能生成插页广告表示担忧 Late Night with the Devil.

This begs the question, where do we draw the line? There’s been pushback from cinephiles over the use of AI enhancement, 但生成式人工智能在整个生产价值链的各个阶段提供了广泛的可能性. 随着技术的进步,以及它发展得如此之快,看看行业如何选择(或不选择)在娱乐领域实现人工智能生成的内容,以及供应商如何开始通过在其解决方案中实际应用人工智能来区分自己,将是一件有趣的事情.

Cloud Solutions

云技术的集成越来越成为实时远程生产的一部分, post-production workflows, and everyday operations.

In March, 美国国家冰球联盟(NHL)成为第一个制作云直播的职业联盟, a demo that was replicated at NAB, 其中包括通过威瑞森(Verizon)的5G网络发送的摄像头馈送,然后由亚马逊网络服务(AWS)在云边缘进行处理,“从冰上捕捉内容到广播的速度从几秒到几毫秒?.”

AWS进一步展示了其云计算能力,通过图形叠加的视频和音频混合演示,为实时新闻广播提供支持, editing, and other tasks performed remotely.

AWS的展览展示了与NVIDIA合作开发的基于云的新闻编辑室, allowing attendees to observe live cloud production in action. 参观者还可以参与讨论从内容制作到货币化等关键行业主题的站点,并参与生成式人工智能游乐场(Generative AI Playground)和AWS Builder Zone等互动体验.


NAB的另一个前沿趋势是对增加内容多样性和量身定制体验的需求不断增长. 个性化和超本地化正变得越来越重要, particularly among younger audiences, echoing Deloitte’s Digital Media Trends 研究表明,一半的受访者表示,如果更容易找到内容,他们会花更多的时间在流媒体视频服务上.

With the proliferation of streaming platforms and digital channels, 总结是,策划独特的阵容和利用实时数据分析胜过算法挑选的推荐,后者提供的内容与观众的喜好和当前趋势产生共鸣,将位居榜首.

Life in the FAST Lane

今年展会的一个主要主题是流媒体的迅速崛起和日益增长的重要性, 特别是免费广告支持的流媒体电视频道(FAST)的兴起.

2024年被认为是FAST内容从副业转向黄金时段的一年, with greater choice, depth, and discoverability available. 这一转变突显出,人们对内容类型多样化的付费频道的需求不断上升, blurring the lines between FAST channels, traditional TV, and subscription streaming services.

在一个讨论免费广告支持流媒体领导的机遇和挑战的会议上, a panel from the FAST space scrutinized content curation, personalization, discovery, loyalty, optimization, localization, and monetization. 该小组还讨论了平台和出版商在向观众和广告商提供价值方面的作用和责任, and in fostering a healthy and diverse FAST ecosystem.

其中一个亮点是流媒体平台如何通过战略投资来削减营销费用. By securing exclusive content rights, 平台提供商可以显著提高现有用户的参与度,扩大他们的用户基础. Leveraging its established audience, 独家内容允许平台专注于推广和创造新内容, all the while effortlessly attracting new users in the process. 

Looking ahead, the future of FAST will likely focus on optimization, particularly around issues of discoverability and user experience. Innovative advertising formats, such as interactive ads and sponsorships, 这对吸引观众和有效地将内容货币化也至关重要吗.