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Doing Interactive Streaming the Right Way: Ultra-Low Latency Streaming at Scale With HESP


近年来, 高效流协议, 通常称为HESP, has significantly enhanced the cost-effectiveness 和 performance of large-scale ultra-low latency streaming.

在需要交互性的用例中, latency plays a crucial role in determining the viewer quality of experience. 互动的场景, 比如网上拍卖, 有粉丝参与的现场音乐会, 或涉及投票的互动电视形式, 对长时间的延误特别敏感, 哪些会对用户体验产生负面影响. 在某些情况下, 延误会导致错失机会, 而在其他国家, content creators may need to incorporate artificial waiting periods into their content to allow time for viewer feedback. There are also more subtle examples where latency can affect the user experience, such as when watching a sports game 和 facing potential spoilers from sources like noisy neighbors, 带有分数更新的推送通知, or text messages from friends expressing their excitement about something that has happened.

HESP是一种基于http的协议. This means it can leverage st和ard content delivery networks (CDNs). These CDNs serve as the backbone of the Internet 和 are continuously delivering billions of assets, 从网页和图像到视频文件, 给全球观众. By leveraging these capabilities, HESP can provide ultra-low latency streaming at any scale. This is in contrast with other ultra-low latency protocols such as WebRTC, 哪里的扩展既复杂又昂贵, as it takes place through spinning up additional server infrastructure in the backend.


图1. High efficiency streaming through HESP brings a high viewer quality of experience.

通过HESP高效流 does not only provide for ultra-low latency at scale. It additionally brings benefits such as fast channel change 和 improved adaptive bitrate (ABR), almost instantly changing qualities upon changing network conditions. Other benefits of HESP are full compatibility with studio-approved DRM, the possibility of cost savings when working at broadcast latencies of about 5–7 seconds, 因为它为编码提供了更多的时间, 与LL-HLS和LL-DASH等协议相比.

本质上, HESP is quite simple 和 feels familiar to those already working with streaming protocols such as Apple’s HLS or MPEG-DASH. 主播放期间, streaming is nearly identical to that of these protocols: A media player is simply downloading a list of chunked media segments 和 playing them one after the other. This group of segments, in HESP lingo, is called the Continuation Stream.

The special sauce of HESP can be found in the so-called Initialization Stream. The Initialization Stream is a specially crafted stream from which a client will load a single packet when performing stream startup, or when switching between alternative qualities to adapt to the network. 这些包, 一个数字, individually addressable packet can exist for each frame in the video, contain all the 信息 required to perform video startup… fast. An Initialization Packet will often contain decoder configuration, DRM的配置, 全画框(I-frame), a reference to where in the Continuation Stream the next frame can be found.

当媒体客户端要开始播放时, the process is very simple: You collect the Initialization Packet where you want to start playback 和 follow its reference to start downloading the Continuation Stream. 收到初始化包后, 客户端已经可以开始检索DRM许可证, 并将第一张图片呈现给观看者. During playback, when the client reaches the end of a segment in the
Continuation Stream, it simply requests the next one, so on, so on. 简单,但高效.

HESP’s low-latency capabilities stem from the same principle. 通过允许在任何帧上启动流, 通过非常快地执行, client buffers required to ensure stability can be reduced, 有效地减少了延迟. 在目前的测试中, production deployments of HESP can perform stream startup within a few hundred milliseconds, allowing for stable playback at latencies as low as 700ms–900ms.

今天 the number of solutions that offer HESP capabilities is growing. HESP联盟, an industry body dedicated to publishing 和 evolving the HESP IETF specification, 推进协议, 并确保供应商之间的兼容性, 维护一个不断增长的HESP-Ready解决方案列表. This includes a wide range of industry br和s such as encoders 和 packagers from Synamedia 和 NativeWaves, DRM解决方案 BuyDRMEZDRM,以及来自 AkamaiG-Core,以及 THEOplayer media player 和 the THEOlive real-time streaming platform. The ecosystem is exp和ing further with an even broader set of companies listed as members working on compatible products: 竞技场.TV, Ceeblue, Hoki主流化, MediaMelon, Scalstrm, SyncWords, Videon.

图2. The number of solutions that offer HESP capabilities is growing.

今天, the HESP technology can already be found in production for a notable group of different use cases such as live auctions, 在线健康和健身, 活动直播, sportsbook赌博, 交互式电视, 和更多的. This list will likely exp和更多的 into mainstream content as the number of solutions increases.

If you’re interested in learning more about HESP or have questions about how to get started with HESP, 请电邮至 contact@hespalliance.org.


HESP联盟, 由Synamedia和THEO Technologies创立, brings together streaming video vendors 和 media companies to provide superior online video quality of experience at reduced cost through st和ardizing 和 advancing the 高效流协议 (HESP) 和 marketing of HESP solutions.

欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.hespalliance.org.


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