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克里斯托弗·冯 Fosters Creativity and Community with the Unstrctrd 声 会话


Director 克里斯托弗·冯 has had a long, winding career building bridges in the creative field. 无论是作为视觉特效总监将实景与设计和动画相结合,还是作为体验设计师将电影制作的讲故事能力带入物理空间, Fung’s work has always been at the intersection of creative disciplines. 这种多方面的背景使他经常为令人印象深刻的客户组合创建非常规项目, including directing a commercial for BMW featuring a reconfigurable LED maze, 为格莱姆斯设计赛博朋克未来场景,为《百家乐软件app最新版下载》创作装置艺术系列.


身兼数职, Fung often brings together unexpected creative partners, 包括电影制作人, 架构师, 游戏设计者, 音乐家, 动画师, 工程师, 和舞台设计师, to find unique storytelling opportunities. 这种跨学科的方法将他的职业生涯从娱乐和广告扩展到博物馆展览设计的世界,并直接与品牌合作进行功能开发. Whether it’s creating work to be experienced on the screen or in person, Fung strives to invite audiences into the process, sharing with them all the craft, 创造力, 细微差别, and innovation that goes into the final product.

Unstrctrd: A Work in Progress

冯先生说, his Unstrctrd 抽搐通道 is a return to being a student. Livestreaming his process as he works on projects, Fung invites the creator community to share in his passion.

“从大流行中诞生, 这个项目是我重新点燃能量的一种方式,我错过了与其他创意人员以及随之而来的自然合作和想法. Learning through making mistakes and thriving off other people’s passions, 我想创造一个空间来培养项目,与我的专业工作一样的关怀和工艺,但没有所有的意图, process and expectation that had spread from client work to personal projects,他解释道.

“The title Unstrctrd was meant to remind myself that this is a work in progress. To focus on the journey instead of the results,冯补充道. “直播我的工作是大流行时代的一种实践的延伸,我开始在没有物理空间的情况下分享我的屏幕,作为工作室伙伴的休闲场所. 但是有更多的观众, 这也是吸引志同道合的人的一种自然方式,他们对学习制作感兴趣,并在我的日常圈子之外结识创意人士.”


出现的第一个项目是Unstrctrd 声 会话,它涉及与活跃的音乐家社区合作,在Twitch上分享他们的才华. 冯德伦说音乐视频是他最早的创作激情之一,他认为这个项目是对灵感来源的回归. “在通过Twitch遇到越来越多令人难以置信的音乐家后,Unstrctrd 声 会话的想法慢慢演变, particularly during the pandemic. 我想找到一种方法来利用我多年的经验来提升各种各样的艺术家,他们都在按照自己的方式制作音乐,他说.

随着人们对这个项目的兴奋之情蔓延开来,这个项目迅速从TwitchCon上的Airbnb即兴表演发展到大会周末的全景拍摄. “有这么多才华横溢的音乐家从韩国和澳大利亚远道而来,这是一个不可思议的机会, 我想在保持项目开放和协作的同时,展示他们每个人最好的一面,冯指出.

在12个小时的时间里,冯德伦和他的团队拍摄了11位艺术家和16场表演,其中包括 卡尔文·托马斯。, 泰勒列弗, Joliet4, Musiciscode, 赞恩卡尼, Pealeaf, Yeju, TJ布朗 and more, performing a mix of originals, covers and instrumentals. 帖子TwitchCon, Fung has been editing and grading the footage in DaVinci Resolve Studio, livestreaming the entire post process on his Unstrctrd 抽搐通道.

“我们的每个音乐人在Twitch上都有一个令人难以置信的支持社区,分享他们的旅程, with all the successes and hurdles along the way,冯补充道. “It felt only natural to be equally transparent on the film side of things. 如果时间允许, 我主持每周直播,无论是音乐家的社区和任何对电影制作感兴趣的人都可以在达芬奇解决工作室的编辑过程中权衡,并了解从前期制作到不必要的复杂视觉特效镜头的一切. Since both the project and our 音乐家 are independent, 能够分享一个通常隐藏在保密协议和暗编辑套件背后的进程,这让人耳目一新.” 


While Fung has traditionally relied on DaVinci Resolve Studio’s edit page and a DaVinci Resolve Speed Editor keyboard, hes 整合切割 page 在他的工作流程中 对于Unstrctrd 会话. “我发现剪切page的UI对于快速削减长时间线和创建选择来管理素材库特别有用. Combined with the Speed Editor’s jog shuttle knob, it’s much easier to make those quick and precise edits. 速度编辑器的构建质量和紧凑的尺寸也使它成为我移动编辑站的一部分,他说. “Adding the cut page to my workflow, 我发现它在编辑我的直播会议剪辑时最有用,这些会议往往很长,功能更强.”

“The edit page just feels great with the ability to zoom in on two axes very quickly. 它既具备了平板电脑的缩放功能,又增加了全键盘的功能. The built-in stabilization has also been impressive at recovering shots that might have been lost, 但更意想不到的是,它在我和摄影师之间架起了摄影机操作风格的桥梁,他补充道.

冯先生说, as part of the teaching aspect of this project, he wanted to keep the entire post workflow in DaVinci Resolve Studio and that includes VFX. “我在视觉特效方面有多年的经验,很高兴看到这些知识如何转移到Fusionpage. While this is a live performance-based project, 有一些鬼鬼祟祟的镜头设置扩展和镜头混合,已经很有趣的融合处理,他说. “Using Fusion’s built-in tracking and optical flow features, I’ve been able to make those seamless tweaks and keep people focused on the music.”

“Having set up VFX pipelines for studios in the past, the ability to change between editing, color grading and compositing with the click of a tab in Resolve is incredibly liberating,冯补充道. “额外的脑力, 在软件之间往返所需的技术和过程开销现在是所有的时间和精力,可以在Resolve中工作时重新投入到创意中. Being able to iterate quickly and make mistakes, without being penalized for them, creates such a positive feedback loop. Even if a shot does need to go to an external software, having the tools to sketch an idea into an edit helps to quickly determine if it’s worth the extra time investment.”

The Unstrctrd 声 会话 was designed to create high-quality music videos, while teaching viewers about the creative journey. “将整个项目整合到一个带有Resolve的软件中,使其作为‘行为艺术’更加直观。 keeping the focus and conversation around artistry rather than technical jargon,冯总结道。. “作为一个交叉学科, 自由软件, there's little barrier to entry with Resolve, 它允许许多社区成员自己尝试Resolve并跟随. But most of all, it's just a powerful, comprehensive package that meets all this project’s needs.”


克里斯托弗·冯是 在布鲁克林区的, 创意总监. He creates and collaborates across a wide range of projects, 包括音乐视频, 装置艺术, 体验设计, 互动媒体, 动画, 传统的电影制作. 有多种多样的, multi-disciplinary background, 冯德伦擅长将不同的合作伙伴聚集在一起,找到非传统的方式来讲述有创意的故事.

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Singing in the Digital Subway: How Livestreaming Bridges Our Need for Connection

After human connection hit an all-time low in 2020, 人们涌向像Twitch这样的在线平台,填补我们突然集体经历的空白. Streaming quickly grew to accommodate passions of all kind, from gaming to cooking to sports and beyond. 勒克斯Narayan, Co-Founder and CEO at StreamAlive, 概述了流媒体从对话氛围中受益的具体方式,并提供了流媒体可以实现这些交互以与观众建立联系的可行方法.