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Telestream: When Creating Comprehensive Media Packages, Video Might Just Be the Easy Part


When we think of transcoding and encoding, 我们自然会想到将文件的视频本质转化为当今复杂的交付生态系统所需的无数版本. 采用夹层主文件并将其转换为用于流媒体的自适应比特率(ABR)阶梯文件是当今公认的过程. A bigger part of the transcoding and encoding 过程, 而且可以说是更复杂的尝试, comes in dealing with all the non-video essence and metadata that goes with those video files.

每个内容创建者, 广播公司, 在交付具有真正商业价值的内容时,服务提供商在支持其媒体供应链所需的条件方面是独一无二的. 使用今天的工具,仅仅对视频进行编码并达到一套视频规范是很容易做到的. The real complexities arrive when adding captions, 字幕, and audio to the mix and making it conform to a precise delivery specification. 只要有一个地方出了问题,整个包装就会被分销公司拒绝,他们的质量声誉就会受到威胁, or for whomever the program is ultimately destined.


乍一看, audio files—being much smaller than video files, even with a bevy of surround channels—might become just an afterthought. 事实上, audio is frequently harder to deal with because of the number of regulations and formats, 无论是传统的还是先进的, 需要照顾的人. 每个内容创建者或发布者往往都有特定的、独立的路由方式, 过程, 包, 播放音频文件, 失败的地方有很多.

以杜比E为例. 对于人们来说,使用传统系统在传统模拟立体声通道上路由更多的PCM或未压缩音频通道仍然是一种流行的方式. 它变得复杂的地方在于通过现代交付管道保持兼容性,同时还支持较新的音频格式和布局. To meet delivery specs, it might specify a unique combination of certain channels. 通道经常以某种方式路由到多个立体声对,以便下游播放系统创建不同语言下播放的单独音乐和效果. It’s rare that any two workflows are exactly the same. 像这样的非创造性过程的自动化任务需要许多微妙的处理和灵活性,而不是所有系统都能支持, particularly when doing it either on-prem and/or in the cloud.


When it comes to managing and converting captions and 字幕, 这可能是一种黑暗的艺术, making the audio variations discussed above look trivial. With all the various formats of captions and 字幕, 很少有系统可以准确地处理每一个变化与准确的标准转换的挑战, css非常适于重建, re-timing, and attaching them to the video or MXF file in a way that makes sense. It’s not embarrassing to say that it is complete rocket science for many of us. And it’s not simply a nice-to-have feature, since in many countries it’s the law that this content be there. The old UK Teletext system is an example of an ancient standard that, 在衰退中, is still used to this day to generate 字幕 in a few countries. 直到这个系统不再使用, it remains important for creating video overlays and bitmap 字幕 for each language, changing the frame rate to match the video and audio, then laying everything out so that the Teletext 字幕 come out on
the correct Teletext page in the correct place with the right language label on them.

在幕后进行了大量的处理,以确保所有交付方式的准确字幕和字幕. 路由字幕和将多个传入流组合到传出流并将它们映射到正确的pid(数据包标识符)不适合胆小的人. We tend to assume that every system can do this well, 但在很多情况下,当字幕被系统扭曲时,内容不得不被拯救, and by well-meaning engineers who got in over their heads.

Throwing in ad-signaling metadata further complicates the 过程. 由于没有考虑解码和编码延迟,不正确的转码和其他处理可能会破坏消息的时序, 例如. Since ad markers are directly tied to revenue, there is simply no room for error.



随着所有这些媒体转换和处理,质量控制成为工作流程的关键部分. Depending on where the media resides or is destined to reside, performing QC checks after any media过程ing is not only necessary, but also should be done without physically moving the media. That means the same QC 过程es need to be deployable either in the cloud or on-premises.

The QC 过程 also needs to be all-inclusive for every type of output and delivery. Checking a master video file is certainly important, 但同样重要的是要确保整个交付——包括所有音频和元数据, and alternative versions that might exist in an IMF, DPP, 或as -11变体包-符合输出配置文件规格或由接收方概述的清单. 对可交付包进行最终检查,以确认所有规则和规范都得到满足,这可以避免对资产进行尴尬或昂贵的返工.


As formats and standards continue to evolve, 将媒体转换为下一代编解码器和容器格式的需求随着所需的无数设备和程序版本的增加而呈指数级增长. 支持遗留格式也是一个问题
necessary evil, as it takes a long time for entrenched formats to die out. 面对所有这些复杂性,将尽可能多的平凡、重复的过程自动化是至关重要的. Some 过程es will be best handled on the ground, while others will benefit from running in the cloud. 对于许多公司来说,他们开发的每一个媒体渠道都不会有一个硬切换. 因为这个原因, hybrid approaches will work best for most organizations as they seek to maximize efficiency.

在未来, 很容易想象,更多的编排甚至程序的自动组装完全在云中完成. 复杂的业务规则与丰富的元数据相结合,通过帮助在没有人为干预的情况下选择正确的处理路径,已经实现了更智能的媒体处理自动化. The more we can off load these complex 过程es, the more money we can save through accelerated content 创建 and distribution, along with a meaningful reduction in errors.

来自Telestream的云原生服务包含一套媒体处理服务,可以在云中执行所有这些过程. These services are underpinned by the Telestream Media Framework, 同一个核心平台,为全球使用的无数Vantage本地工作流程提供支持. 知道如何摄取, 解析, 变换, 包, 并对视频进行质量控制, audio, 复杂的元数据并不容易, but after 25 years of continuous innovation, it’s why Telestream is relied on by top-tier media and

Telestream有能力在客户发现自己的任何地方满足他们的云之旅,这是该公司独特价值的关键部分. 未来证明您的媒体处理,并开始您的云之旅与云原生服务从Telestream.

了解如何 go2sm.com/telestreamcloud.


Telestream®专注于产品,使其有可能获得视频内容给任何观众,无论它是如何创建的, 分布式, 或查看. Throughout the entire digital media lifecycle, 从捕捉到观看, for consumers through high-end professionals, Telestream产品范围从桌面组件和跨平台应用程序到全自动, enterprise-class digital media transcoding and workflow systems. Telestream使用户能够在广泛的商业环境中利用其视频内容的价值.

Telestream的客户包括世界领先的媒体和娱乐公司:内容所有者, 创造者, 和经销商. 除了, a growing number of companies supplying and servicing much larger markets such as ad agencies, 公司, 医疗服务提供者, 政府及教育设施, 以及视频专业消费者和消费者, are turning to Telestream to simplify the access, 创建, 以及数字媒体的交换.

Founded in 1998, Telestream corporate headquarters are located in Nevada City. 这家公司是私人控股的.


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